Representatives from biopharmaceutical company, Regeneron, were joined by TLC3 sponsor, JP McManus at a photocall to encourage other Limerick based companies to sign-up to the big clean-up which takes place on Good Friday, 14th April. Team Limerick Clean-up partners, Mr Binman, The Limerick Leader, Live 95FM, Limerick City & County Council also attended.
Pictured at the event were, JP McManus, Maebh O'Gorman, Regeneron, Patricia Liddy, Limerick City and County Council, Joe Cleary, Mr. Binman, Geraldine O'Regan, Live95 FM and Niall O’Leary, VP – Site Head from Regeneron.
Over 8,000 volunteers have already registered to TLC3 and businesses from across Limerick are also being urged to get involved in the initiative. Picture: Alan Place